Mid life crisis of an Ohio Queen

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Overwhelmed and Underconfident

Crazy title, huh?

This is all work related. Maybe a little personal but mostly professional.

Anyone who knows me knows that I work hard for what I want. I try to accomplish my goals to the best of my ability. I am so close to one of my goals right now that it is not even funny. And even though it is so close in my grasp it is so far away too.

I have a work contest. I am on track for Leaders Trip. Leaders Trip is to Hawaii. Out of the Consumer Products Specialists I am ranked 45th in the company. That is a huge jump for me considering this time last year I was ranked around 125th. I had a killer November (thanks to new clients) and on top of it I was the highest premium producer on my team. Big big big!!! That is great.

We need a certain amount of points to qualify for trip. I need 750 since I am still a rookie. In fact, I am in 3rd place of rookies!! I currently have 604 points. I am in need of at least 8 more booked life policies before December 30th. I need to have all of my apps in by December 15th. This is more difficult than you can imagine. I am wracking my brain for those whom I know that need life insurance and I am stumped. I need more kids policies than anything else and that is a struggle.

I am so overwhelmed with having to come up with this. Weekends do not exist for me now until the 15th. Good thing there is a cap on when you can call people or my friends would be receiving calls at 11 PM.

I am underconfident but I need to turn around my confidence and very very fast. That is not going to get me on trip and it is to the point where I don't want it, I NEED IT!!! Not only for me but for my husband. For the sanity of my family. For a great 10 year anniversary gift that this can provide to us.

Wish me luck. If you know of anyone who can help me please drop me a line. Thanks!!!


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