Mid life crisis of an Ohio Queen

Thursday, December 14, 2006

If Nothing Changes, Nothing Changes

This is a quote that is commonly used in our business.

Many people complain about things in their life that is dissatisfactory to them including their jobs, their money situation, their home life, etc.... However, when you ask them what they would like to do to change the situation they are often not willing to take the plunge that can improve their life. They rather stay in their situation than do something about it. Why? I believe a lot of it is fear of the unknown. They fear failure, they fear success, they fear what is not stable.

And what is fear? It is defined as False Evidence Appearing Real. Very scary for us to adapt to.

I give major kudos to the men and women who went on the show The Biggest Loser. These men and women knew that they did not want to stay in the same situation so they did what they could to change their situation. Many risked their jobs, their relationships, their familiar surroundings, etc. But they took the risk.

So I pose a challenge to everyone I know.

Take a risk.

Find something that scares you and overcome it. If it means that it can potentially improve your life and possibly make you feel better, look better or financially benefit from it take a chance and do it.

That is what we have done with our business venture. We are taking a risk. And it will eventually pay off. Because we have faith in what can be done. Not in what we can't do.


  • At Saturday, December 16, 2006, Blogger Sandy said…


    Thank you so much for your inspiration to all of us to get out
    there and make a change! I whole-
    heartedly agree if we do nothing,
    nothing will be the result. You've
    challenged me to yet another level
    to face fear dead on and to know that
    I'm more than a conqueror in Christ

    God bless you!

    Sandy <><


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