Mid life crisis of an Ohio Queen

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Kidney Infection. OW!!!

Sorry I have been out of it for a bit. I have a kidney infection and it finally took me down.

You know it is bad when you can't walk more than 10 feet without needing to stop and sit down. I decided to take the day off and rest to get myself in shape for this weekend.

This weekend will be a very jam packed and enjoyable one for us. Friday, B will go to Grandma & Grandpa's for the weekend. They are completely overjoyed by this. And I know that he will love spending the time with them and with his cousin.

Then E and I are on our way to Toledo for the Mrs. Ohio, Miss Ohio and Miss Teen Ohio pageant. This will be a joy for us to watch but it will be weird sitting in the audience this time. I have been on the stage for two years with Mrs. Ohio so to sit in the audience will be different. We have VIP seating and I get to have E escort me across the stage in the Parade of Titleholders. So this will be a treat. E is especially happy since his tuxedo fits well now. He has lost a total so far of 18 pounds in less than two weeks. I am very happy for him.

Then Sunday is our first USANA team meeting as Associates. We are doing a brainstorming/marketing session and I get to do a lot of contribution towards it because of my marketing background. After that it is off to pick up B and get ready for the next week.

Hopefully I will be back to 100% by tomorrow. I hate when something like this pulls me down.


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