Mid life crisis of an Ohio Queen

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

E's Second Day of Reset

The second day was definitely different. Here is the breakdown

Morning Shake - Vanilla is still not his favorite at all but from what I heard it is not a big hit with a lot of people.

Snack Bar - Ate the Peanut Butter Bar early to avoid meltdown in the car. Still thinks it is okay.

Afternoon Shake - Took 2.5 hours to drink down the Chocolate but he did it!! Feeling very tired at this point of the day.

Snack Bar - Iced Lemon Fibergy bar was okay.

Came home and got B from the sitters. He was good but E was completely exhausted. He took a nap while B watched TV and played. I figure his body is completely detoxing and as a result he is exhausted. I was thirsty when I was detoxing. Every person is very different.

Evening Shake - He still likes the Strawberry the best. We added ice and made it more of a milkshake. He drank it while watching American Idol.

Evening Snack - raw carrots and grapes. Felt very full by this time and ready to go to bed again. He will pull together soon. Detox is a pain but necessary!!

Woke up this morning to weigh himself again. No weight loss but since he lose 10 pounds the day before I was not expecting any more loss right away. However, his clothes fit differently and that was very noticeable. His work shirt was a bit loose and his pants were not as snug as usual.

A difference is starting to show.....


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