Mid life crisis of an Ohio Queen

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Has It Really Been One Week

I just realized it has been one week since I have posted on my blog. Things have been moving at a relatively fast pace the past few days and I am finally catching up.

But here are some of my highlights from the past week:

Wednesday - B and I had dentist appointments. It was his first dentist appointment and he did wonderful. There were no cavities and the staff was great. This is a new dentist that we went to and I am very pleased. Their patience was well appreciated and I adore the business reminder cards. His name is Dr. Miller and the card phrase is "It's Miller Time." Way too fun!!

Friday - had a presentation at the house. Went well and I am hoping to sign her on soon. She works insane hours at a local pizza place and deserves to work a lot less.

Saturday - we got our "H" car as B puts it. My mom has wanted a new Honda CR-V and wanted us to have hers. So after much busy work to get loan paperwork moving we were approved and heading up to Cleveland to get our new CR-V. Then went to the dealership with Mom to get her a new CR-V. They gave her the hook-up with a plush CR-V. The funniest part of the day was this. She did get a free 24" TV set for purchasing her car and after much flirting, they gave me a free TV also. And I didn't even buy a car from there!!! Great use of my assets, I guess...

And that is about the most highlight of exciting stuff that has happened. Sure there are other things going on but don't want to bore you too badly.


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