Mid life crisis of an Ohio Queen

Friday, August 18, 2006

I Got My Star!!!

This has been the ultimate joke since yesterday.

At B's sitters house there was a list of supplies that they need for the next few months. Since they are conducting pre-school with the four little ones who will be entering Kindergarten the following year I feel that what they are asking is VERY fair considering what the schools ask for.

Now I am usually the first one to supply whenever they need anything. I was surprised when I came in and there was the name of two other parents in their very own star to thank them for the supplies. I came back and metioned it to TT and Lolo. They laughed at me because they then knew it was on. I wanted my star too, darn it!!!

So E and I met for lunch and following lunch we hit the store. We picked up four of the items on the list and I brought them over after work. I made a point to put them on the counter individually and then demand my star!!!

They cracked up laughing but went into the other room and got my star. They had it ready since that afternoon because they just knew that after work I would bring some of the items to them. I am just crazy that way.

We had the choice between giving them $5 to purchase the supplies or purchasing some of the items ourselves. And to be honest with you, I rather purchase some of the items on the list. It makes it more personal and I know that it is far more appreciated as that is less running around that they have to do.


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