Mid life crisis of an Ohio Queen

Thursday, September 21, 2006


If it is true that you are not given any more than you can handle I would like to retest that theory.

I have been boggled down with some pretty big things and it has been very hard on me physically and emotionally.

Work sucks!! That is the best way I can put it. My boss has decided that I know nothing about insurance so he is doing remedial courses with me. ON STUFF I ALREADY KNOW. Talk about feeling like I am totally incapable of anything. And numbers are WAY down. And of course it is all my fault because I am the only one in here that does anything.

I got my test results back and they are not good. The only good thing is that I do not have cervical cancer. But overall not good results. We have a meeting on Monday afternoon to discuss the next course of action.

Been busy studying for the Series 6 exam and I honestly do not feel I have enough time for it. I try to sneak it in but feel that I should be further along with the knowledge. I may just be hard on myself but we are each our own worst critic.

What a bummer week after coming off of a very exciting and enegetic week in Salt Lake City.


  • At Friday, September 22, 2006, Blogger SassyGurly said…

    The first week back from vacation is always the worst! You are an amazing inteelligent person you just do not see how much knowledge you really have! Your boss is an idiot and we all know that! If he thinks you know nothing about insurance then why does he have you DO EVERYTHING? Thats my question. LoL I love you and know you are going to do fabulous!


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