Mid life crisis of an Ohio Queen

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Spring Fever

I am so far behind it is not even funny!! So instead of going back I am going to press on and move forward.

This weekend has been extremely useful. I have finally gotten a chance to get some much needed housework done. It is a myth that if you work from home that you should be able to get lots done around the house. I am about to disspell that rumor. It is completely false. I have the hardest time keeping up. I need a housekeeper and cannot afford one. I wish I could find the one that cleaned my neighbors house for $50 and a lunch of Power Bars and apples!!!

I managed to open all the windows throughout the house and completely air out the house which has lifted my entire spirit. I needed that. I have also vacuumed all of the carpets, put all the laundry away, cleaned all of the mirrors and much much more. I feel a bit better now.

On to tackle my work week. I need more life insurance and more policies. I had a decent first quarter but not enough life which can hurt my job. I do not want to go through that again!! So I shall press forward and work as hard as I can this quarter.

I am super excited for a few events that are coming up. This month is Miss USA 2008 and my dear friend, Monica Day, is competing as Miss Ohio USA. I am so nervous for her but I know she will rock it!! Next month I am attending something called a Diva Crop. The woman that is hosting it is renting TWO stretch limos, one Hummer and one Excursion limo, for the event. We will be driven all over Columbus to four scrapbooking stores and then returning to crop until midnight. My friend Catwoman is going with me and we are looking to make it an entire weekend. Then in July there is a bunch of us going to Mrs. International to watch the competition. My friend Kesh has fondly called it Mrs Ohio Gone Wild!! We are excited at the low cost that she got for the rooms and for the experience. We had both competed there but to watch as a spectator will be a blast. There are four of us going.

More to share in detail later. Here is hoping that I can keep up with blogging for now.


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