Mid life crisis of an Ohio Queen

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

A Crisp Fall Day

Hey, it actually gets cold in Texas!! Who would have thought that possible?

The past few mornings have been jacket mornings with the need for long sleeves and jeans. B and I had another argument this morning on why he could not wear shorts to school. I explained that he would freeze in the morning and at playtime on the playground.

Speaking of arguments. Last night was an absolute gem of an argument. B has had it where he has been very hot and cold with his attitude and emotions. Chalk it up to being between the baby stage and full blown big boy stage. We asked him to do something nicely and he threw an all out fit over it. We told him to go to his room. When he finally did, he started banging something that sounded like metal on top of metal. E went to check it out and freaked. B was banging the door against the wall and it put in a half dollar size hole in the wall. I was livid. The punishment for the night was he was to remain in his room with only one toy. All other toys were moved to the garage and he could come out when we said it was okay. He was called out twice. Once to put his clean laundry away and once to get his jammies on and brush his teeth for bed. We had a small talk and a five minute cuddle and that was it for the evening.

It killed me. I wanted more time with him but he needed to be punished. I was so filled with guilt. But I knew it had to be done.

What was done worked. He woke up this morning in a good mood and only gave minimal trouble getting dressed. Why? He did not like the pants that I picked out this morning and wanted shorts.

With all that said, here are the Top 5 for today:

I am thankful for:
1) Long sleeved shirts and comfortable jeans
2) A fireplace in my home
3) My favorite blanket to wrap up in
4) Foot rubs and back rubs
5) My little family


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