Mid life crisis of an Ohio Queen

Monday, October 10, 2005


Doo Doo Da Doo Doo...

We have been singing that crazy song from the Dr. Pepper commercial all weekend long. And that should give an idea of what my weekend was like.

Friday night we went out to Saltgrass Steak House to celebrate my birthday. We had Hollaback Girl's family and our family. It was good food and good fun shared by all of us. We went to Sears Grand Store afterwards to walk off some of the dinner and concluded the evening from there. Had to get home to see one of my shows, Degrassi - The Next Generation. I grew up watching Degrassi Junior High and Degrassi High and am following it up with this series. My husband thinks it is a teeny bopper show but it is showing me what teenagers today are going through. They have episodes that are very in your face.

Saturday was yet another day at E's office. B was being a royal pain but at least there were more people there this time. One of the BossMen told the staff to expect to work Saturday. And most showed up. More counting and cleaning labels off of the metal shelves. I was whiny by this point and spent most of my time away from it. But it does help E to have our support there.

Sunday, we went to church in the morning. B could not behave so E spent all of churhc outside with him. They had a serious heart to heart and waited for me to get out of Mass. The church was okay. We are still trying to find the perfect church for our family. It will be an interesting search. Then we spent the rest of the day going to different stores and staying away from the house. It made the day pass very fast but gave us some tiem together.

This week will be very busy for E. We will not be seeing a lot of him this week. Until Wednesday and then we should be back to normal. I am just hoping for a good week.


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