Mid life crisis of an Ohio Queen

Friday, November 04, 2005

Little Victories and Big Savings

Last night was fun in more ways than one!!

I picked up B from school and they informed me that he had not had a nap. That was good for me as he would go to bed early for me. YEAH!!!

Came home from work and E had told me that Enjon came into his office. Asked him about work and home life then dug into the meat of the subject. He wanted to know about the medical insurance. I am not sure if he asked Hollaback Girl if we got off the plan or if he took a hunch but he asked E about what we did. E informed him that we switched all of us to UHC. He then hemmed and hawed about how he hoped that I understood where they were coming from and what an "ass"et the guy was that they have their current medical insurance through. E said to not worry about it, we got off and we are saving $250 a month by doing this. Enjon went and asked if it was through where I work. E went on to tell him that it was not. We got it from another provider (ours does not offer maternity) and I was not making a dime off of it. I was just doing it to save money and help the company. I think that blew him away as he thought I was in it for the money and the business. Guess again. I was just trying to help save money. You would think that they would want to listen to someone who knows what the heck they are talking about. Oh well, their loss not mine.

Came home to a letter from the Witch-In-Law. The day before she had the nerve to send my son a Halloween card from her and her husband, Drunk Boy. For those of you who do not know, she is not allowed to send anything or address anything that has anything to do with her drunk husband. And she did. I passed the card to E for him to make the decision on what to do with it. He tore it up and threw it away. Then her letter came today addressed to E. Not high on the guilt factor but was funny. She has no clue that we are in Texas. That is what we know. The only family members of his that knows are his maternal grandparents. We think they told her but did not give our information to her. This letter she hinted that driving a long distance does not bother her and in the last letter she hinted that if she ever had to fly, she wanted this one pilot who took care of an emergency with grace. Whatever. My name is still "and your family" and she asked how her beautiful grandson was. She has not seen him since March of 2004 and if all goes well she will never see him. She has hurt all of us too much to be exposed to our son. That may sound evil but it is the truth. And the truth shall set you free.

And our big savings? We have a grocery store here called H-E-B. They have these amazing sales. Like buy two, get six free. We did the remainder of our grocery shopping there and after all coupons went through we walked out saving 11% of our total bill and we were still under $100. I was tickled!! That is awesome to get as much as we did and save as much as we did. Since we have to be a little more careful this time with spending it helped tremendously.

On to a good weekend. We want to take B to see Chicken Little in the theatre but it has had some low reviews. We shall see....


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