Mid life crisis of an Ohio Queen

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Last Day of Work in Texas

Well, today was my last day here in Texas as a working woman. It was bittersweet but a lot got done today.

I came in to a cake, flowers, balloon, gifts and homemade breakfast tacos by RR. All good as I was going to go next door to buy one anyways. Saved me some money. We all sat around and talked while we ate. Had to have our morning water cooler talk about WifeSwap and Apprentice. I opened my gifts and found some Mary Kay goodies and a girly girl bag. It was very sweet and very appreciated.

I was asked if I liked a restaurant called Fish Daddy. I have never been there so they decided that is where I needed to go for my farewell lunch. I got a bunch of stuff sorted and thrown away this morning and passed along what I needed to pass along. Then it was off to lunch we went.

Lunch passed quickly and it was good. Then back to the grind. Had E in there for a bit as we needed to figure out some stuff. BossLady followed with stuff to go over with me. We got that taken care of and I got my paycheck along with my remaining vacation days paid.

So that is what it is like to work for a mature employer. Sorry E didn't work for one this past time.

B had his own little party at school complete with cupcakes and pictures. They were all pretty good except for one who was sent to the office. E went to the school to celebrate with him. B was thrilled to see Daddy. He finished his day out and I went to pick him up. Said goodbye to Ms. Maria. I was getting all emotional both at work and at his school. What was that all about?

We will be heading out tomorrow morning. I will be with B and the cat in one car and E will be in the other car. Quiet ride for him and noisy for me.

Wish me luck and send good wishes for a safe drive and prompt delivery of the moving truck on Friday.


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