Mid life crisis of an Ohio Queen

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Busy Busy Day

Whew!! It has been a whirlwind of a day.

It started with an early morning doctors appointment. It was time for the necessary evil to take place. I hate it that it has to happen but yet I have an AWESOME doctor. We spent the time talking about four year olds (his wife had their baby the day before we had ours) and USANA. He is the first doctor that I have dealt with that has been open and receptive to USANA and I am very appreciative of that. I gave him some info and told him that when I come back in three months he better have done his homework and studied the info that I gave him. He laughed but I know he will. He is great like that. He also gave me a prescription for Clomid. So hopefully I will be able to become pregnant next month. I was also thrilled to meet a volleyball coach in the lobby and talked USANA with her. She was pleased because the head coach had just said that he thought that the players were not taking very good care of themselves and wanted someone to come in and talk about nutrition with them. It could have been a blessing in disguise.

Went back to the office and talked with my bosses wife. Got some stuff started and headed out shortly afterwards to meet Flexigirl for lunch. Salad and good conversation. It was very good. We are meeting Saturday for a scrapbooking date and I am really looking forward to it.

Came back to the office and was told by my boss that I was going to be getting some good commission off of my life sales from last month. YEAH!!! I could use that about now. I still have a good pile of stuff on my desk but by tomorrow I will resume with my normal phone calls. Hopefully I can get a lot cleared off my desk by tomorrow morning. I am tired of the pile and it needs to go away!!!! So either stuff has to close or it has to find its way to the rectangular filing cabinet.

Tuesdays usually drag in the evenings but tonight I had two appointments. Both very positive and looking at IRA's. Not too shabby. I hope to close them before the end of this month. My goal is for 5-10 life apps or annuities per month. I know it can be done.

Off to get my baby and have a good date with him at Panera. I got coupons for a free dinner there tonight. So we can have a great date. Both E and CE (Who I am renaming Sassygurly) are working tonight so I will see them later. Sassygurly was thrilled last night. We had gotten a bed from our neighbors and we had it set up and made last night. She was so comfortable in it she slept until 11:15 AM!! Good for her as she needed the sleep.

Off to get the munchkins. See ya later!!


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