Mid life crisis of an Ohio Queen

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I have had quite a few of these since I have returned to Ohio from Texas. They have been in my thoughts constantly but there is one that stands out.

The one that stands out to me is this one. It is amazing, but I have noticed that we are hanging out more with people that we have not really hung around with before and the people that we have hung around with before we left we really are not around as much.

Granted, there will always be the people that regardless of where you are and what you do they will always be close (and that means you, Flexigirl). But in the normal day to day, our lives really have changed.

I have found that we are around more people that are extremely goal oriented and have direction in the business world. In our personal world, we are around people who surround us with positives and have a passion for family and togetherness. These people help to bring out the best in us.

I am pleased for who we have in our lives now. They have taught us so much about life, acceptance, friendship, diversity, etc......

Here is to more good times. CHEERS!!!!


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