Mid life crisis of an Ohio Queen

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Two Hour Delay

Yes folks, we are on a 2 hour delay. Why, you ask??

The answer is, all of Central Texas is frozen over. Yesterday it started with some freezing rain and continued last night. This morning just about every school district is on a 2 hour delay and some schools are even closed. My doors to my car were frozen shut yesterday by the little rain that we had. I wonder if I can even get into them today.

We woke up completely unaware of what to do. I knew the policy for B's school so that was no issue. E and I did not know our work policies. E tried calling the bosses and did not get an answer back. One tech called and said they were stuck on the freeway and not moving. None of E's techs were answering their phones and finally he called Hollaback Girl. She said that she didn't know what they were to do in this situation either. So he braved it and headed out.

And how do they remedy ice on the roads? Put down some sand and gravel. Yeah, that works.

On the phone with E now. He made it in safely and he is the only one in the office. I will be trekking it in at 9:30 unless I hear otherwise. Plus, I will have B with me for a little bit.

On to watch a movie with B. Shrek 2 is playing and he wants me to watch it with him. Stay warm!!!


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