Mid life crisis of an Ohio Queen

Friday, January 13, 2006

Things that make you cry...

It has been an extremely hard week. Lots of things happening and I am trying to take them all in. I have been crying an average of 8-10 times per day. Not good for the complexion but I figure it is much better than getting drunk or drugging yourself. Or starving yourself. Another vice that I have had problems with.

First of all, the stomach flu earlier this week was not fun. The pain of being sick can put you in tears.

My co-worker, RS, left this week. Gave a two week notice then hit the road the next day. Left an entire HUGE project up to me. Way to go. I am unhappy about this.

Reality that we may have to move back to Ohio. Some problems I wish to not discuss but it would mean uprooting my life AGAIN. I do not mind the move back but it is the stress of moving and finding a job there again for me. BossMan hired someone new to go into the place of the girl who was there in my place. It is for a 90 day trial period. When I approached him abotu possibly coming back it did not sound positive. I understand that he needs to give this new girl a chance but I really could have used the positive feedback.

The kindness of a best friend and a mother. Each have been so supportive and willing to listen to me cry and be afraid of what is coming next.

It may just be PMS. Or hormones. Not sure. But I wish I could stop crying.

Maybe the weekend trip to Dallas will make things easier. To take my mind off of everything. But it is hard.


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