Mid life crisis of an Ohio Queen

Monday, January 16, 2006

Wicked Dreams and what they mean

I have not been sleeping well lately. I am either down late and up really early or I have horrible dreams when I am actually asleep. Here is an idea of what I have been dreaming:

Saturday Night:

I am in the store with B. We are walking the aisles and he disappears. When I find him a guy is stuffing him into a duffel bag and attempting to kidnap him. I scream and grab the duffel bag with B still in it. I walk down the aisles as I am unable to run and am screaming to anyone that will hear me that a guy just tried to kidnap my son. He was attempting to throw ground coffee into my eyes and I wake up.

According to dreammoods.com, this is what this means:

To dream that someone has been kidnapped, indicates that you are not letting aspects and characteristics of that person be expressed within you. You are trying to contain and/or suppress those qualities of the kidnapped person.

To dream that you are drinking or need your coffee, suggests that you should gain some insight and knowledge before making a decision or tackling some project/relationship. You may be acting too hasty and need to slow down. Alternatively, it may imply a need for you to change your routine.

Sunday nights dream:

This was horrifying. I had a dream that a man had this thing about beauty queens and was stalking Mrs. OH US 2005. He was so obsessed that he took her hostage and shot her. She was rushed to the hospital and her husband was with her the whole time. I went back to my parents home because I was so shook about this whole thing. I kept hearing a ticking from upstairs so I went to investigate. There was a bomb in the upstairs room. Seems the person who was stalking her was stalking me too. I ran from the house and pulled my parents on the way out. He figured out that I knew what was going on and went crazy. He started attacking everyone on the street and got my dad. My dad pushed me into a neighbors house to call 911 and everytime I tried to call for help something would happen.

I woke in a panic.

According to dreammoods.com, this is what part of the dream means:

To dream that you are a hostage, indicates that you are feeling victimized and powerlessness. You may also be feeling limited in your choices or physically immobilized. Perhaps this dream is paralleling some situation/difficulties in your daily life or relationship. Alternatively, it suggests that a part of yourself is not be fully expressed.

To see a bomb in your dream, signifies that you may be going through a potentially explosive and trying situation in your waking life. The bomb could represent repressed desires and unexpressed emotions that are likely to explode or burst if not dealt with soon. It could be something within yourself, such as the desire to explode with anger over an issue that's affecting you.

To dream of a bomb threat, suggests that you are experiencing some inner anger and/or pressures which are on the verge of exploding into violence.

To dream that you are calling or signaling for help, suggests that you are feeling lost, overwhelmed, and/or inadequate.

Unfortunately, these dreams are telling me so much about what is going on in my life right now. And I am scared. Really scared.

Last night was actually an okay night of sleep. I took a Tylenol PM and had no dreams that I can recall. I did wake up a few times in the middle of the night but went right back to sleep.

Thank goodness for Tylenol PM.


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