Mid life crisis of an Ohio Queen

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Find A Happy Place.... Find A Happy Place......

I heard this on my first day of work from MDP, my new co-worker, but I did not realize that I would be doing this so fast at the new job.

Don't get me wrong, my new boss is very nice. He has sort of a grandfather type role but he is very set in his ways. And I am very different to this. I have a quirky sense of humor and it does me very well in my industry. But his new name is officially dubbed Mr. Micromanage.

I am a person who cannot be micromanaged. I work better once I am left alone to do what I need to do. BossLady learned that. After she let me go to do what I needed to do, the results came and they came very well. In fact, I just found out that they qualified for the first part of the Las Vegas trip in all four categories. Which is incredible. And I am very happy for them. Today started the first of two cruises. Hope that HB is having a great time!!

Sorry, tangent.

I have had Mr. MicroManage behind me for the whole four days that I have been there. It has been an adjustment coming and not being certain of where my licenses stand. I turned in everything this past Tuesday and am waiting for my official letter. But I can conduct business as usual. But now it is just the matter of letting me get comfortable and adjust to our new clients. Since this is my third round at this I know what I need to do to get clients adjusted to my voice and personality. And I feel that cannot be done properly.

Looks like I will have to bring the wife in to put him in his place. I will give the benefit of the doubt and wait until next week. It may be his way to adjust to someone new. Who knows?

But on the good news side, E has gotten my new shelves up in the closet. I now have more space in the closet for my clothes and I am thrilled. The goal for this weekend is to get all of my clothes organized and in the closets. My goal per day is to get one more tote unpacked and put away. It is coming slowly but surely. It is not like we are moving anytime in the near future. LOL!!!

And for the zinger of my week. The Witch-In-Law wrote to my husband. I am still "and your family". She pretty much BS'ed for the majority of the letter but managed to stick it to me at the end of it. She is obnoxious. I just wish that she would learn the art of leaving us alone. Our lives would be so much better.


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