Mid life crisis of an Ohio Queen

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Viva La Debt!!

First: Props to me!!

On Friday, I completed an application for my first CD customer through SF Bank!!! This client called Friday morning looking for the interest rates on CD's and said she would be in to start the application process. I was not sure if she would show but she did. And to my surprise, along came a $20,000 money order for the CD! I could not believe it. But was very happy to help her.

On to the weekend....

Got paid and was informed that I was not to be paid for this past holiday or for sick time until I have been at this job for 90 days. I was sick about that. If I would have known that I would have brought the pink-eyed B with me to work, contagious and all, along with my non-vocal self to the office. So now my next two checks will be shorted 8 hours to make up for the time I was paid on this one.
Then E got his check. They raised the health insurance and took more from his check. Once I saw what the amount was they were taking per pay I about threw up. For a month he is paying almost $670 for all three of us. I know there is less expensive insurance out there. I have asked, begged and pleaded for the dec page for their company insurance and no one has been willing or able to share. If they did not want me to work on it that is fine. Just let me know!!
I did my research and found a family insurance plan that has maternity and prescription drug for 1/2 the cost of his current coverage. Drawback and advantage, it has a high deductible. Drawback - deductible. Advantage - Health Savings Account can be opened and is a tax benefit. I can work with that. Now we have to get the money together to start it. The pay is retro that is taken out of his check. Bleh!! Now I can't use that.
Then to sit down with bills. We are still paying bills from Ohio and his apartment in Austin PLUS the bills from here. It is a tremendous strain on us right now. I was wanting to get my hair cut and colored this time and once again I have had to push it back. I thought we were supposed to be ahead of the game and I feel further behind then ever.
Picked up E's new car yesterday. One huge highlight. They filled the tank to the top. He is in heaven with the car and it's little features. I had to hear about them all.
Then we went to a furniture liquidation sale. They are closing this little shack of a store and slashed the prices. I didn't see that big of a price slash but we found a beautiful four piece living room set that I thought was perfect. It is a sofa, loveseat, one and a hal fperson chair and ottoman. I thought for sure they were not offering financing because that was the only way it was happening. But they were and we qualified for 12 months no payment. Yeah!!
There went the tax return this year!!! This ought to be interesting.


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