Mid life crisis of an Ohio Queen

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

How Do You Get Fired From Wendy's?!?!?!?!

This is a serious question. And a reality.

My brothers hopefully soon to be ex-wife got fired from Wendy's. She has been working there since high school. At least since she was 15 years of age. She is 24 years of age. So almost 10 years employed there under her mommy. Her mommy went to another branch of the lovely fast food chain and now her daughter has been fired.

I have been saying forever that she needs a big girl job but has never gotten one. I know that she enrolled in cosmotology school thinking that it would be as easy as dyeing your own hair with a kit. Guess again sweetheart. She went for the test. This is the test that you take after 300 hours of class. If you fail it, you must repeat those 300 hours over again. She took the test a few weeks ago and then told my brother that she has decided to hold off going back to school for awhile. It does not take a genius to figure out that she failed the exam.

So now she is without a job. I hope that she is not doing this to try to get more money out of my brother. Can't bleed a turnip dry if there is nothing in there to begin with.

And she is still living in her parents home. This must be very interesting for them.

So now she can get a job at McDonald's or Burger King. They might hire her. Or she can go to Subway. But she may pull a Martini's boyfriends Ex-Wife deal and get fired from there too.

Can we say, WELFARE CASE!!! Bring on the food stamps.


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