Mid life crisis of an Ohio Queen

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Back to O-H-I-O

You got it! We are coming back to Ohio. For good.

Here is a small snapshot of our week:

Monday: E goes into work and is called into his bosses office. It is announced to him that he was going to be getting a "lateral move" to Connectivity Specialist. In regular terms, a demotion. He has worked his heart out, putting in extra time and stepping up to the plate when things need to be done. And this is how he is rewarded. No raise with the position but has the potential to make $75-$80K per year. I heard that song and dance before. He was also told that since he had to relocate his family here it would not be fair to keep us here if he did not want the position. I was called and we took the night to discuss it. Everything seemed to be leaning in the direction of going back to Ohio so we decided to go ahead with it. E called his company that he worked for before he left and they are thrilled to have him back and willing to work with him. Less money but some more benefits, including insurance at a better rate for all three of us. I called BossMan and he still has to give his new girl a 90 day probationary period. No real hope there from what I felt over the phone so it is on to look for a new job.

Tuesday: The quest to tell the bosses our decision was on. It was announced in a morning meeting at E's work about the demotion (and by the way, they promoted two of his techs to be Service Manager and Assistant Service Manager. A move I think they have had planned for a while.) and announced that E would be returning to Ohio. That surprised BossMan J. But the offer was made to move us back and we could not pass on it. They asked that he stay until the end of March to properly train the next person. He agreed and let me know. I took the morning cancelling my cruise (after I worked my butt off for it, but I am okay with it as it was not meant to be right now), forwarding my resume to an agent in Ohio for a job, informing Martini of our return and telling BossLady of my departure. I felt bad having to do that and I know it hit her hard. We have had a great month and got a lot accomplished but at least it will be the end of the quarter when I leave and I can help get them to the goals for the Las Vegas trip.

Wednesday: Things start to change and E is seeing what the position was he was to take if he stayed on. A glorified tech. He is okay for right now. A little ticked because he has said that there were things he needed to get the Service Department running the way he wanted and needed it to and they are now getting accomplished. After he asked and asked for it. Starting to get arrangements made to move back. We managed to get a good quote for a moving vehicle and working to book it. And I got my resume to another agent in Ohio. Hopefully something will pan out soon for a job. I hate waiting and not knowing what will come next.

Thursday: More things are changing at his work and not good. He is still holding up well and even has a smile back. His phone got traded and his laptop was to be traded by Friday. I still suspect that the new Service Manager wormed his way into the position and NO ONE can tell me I am wrong on that. It is my spidey sense. E ended up working late this night on a project that he has told them he needed training on. The system started to shut down and luckily E had an IT tech there to help out. The change could not be made and they left again. Not until 9:30 PM. I guess that helps them as he is still on salary. No overtime or comp time. Advantage for them.

Friday: More changes are going on and not good ones. E has said that a parts person has been needed for as long as he can remember. They put someone in the position. And who is that person? The new Service Managers wife!!!! That is a recipe for disaster. She was working there already as a CSR and toner sales rep. And the person who will manage her will be the Assistant Service Manager. I have shook my head and rolled my eyes enough about this. And I really don't care at this point. The new and exciting part for me? I sold my first Hospital Income policy ever. I never did the app before and it was extremely easy. I was happy. E and I had a date at Applebee's last night and discussed everything. He seems a lot better now and it is nice to see a smile on his face. Picked up B from the YMCA and went home to watch a movie together. Nice quiet evening.

Here is hoping that all turns out well for all of us.

Anyone available to help unload a trailer at the beginning of April. Can't afford to pay but I can promise food and beverage!!!


  • At Saturday, January 28, 2006, Blogger -h. said…

    I kept my yap shut about it. :) See, I CAN keep a secret. LOL

    Here's to house parties and late night scrapbooking.

    Glad you're coming home where you belong. And it goes w/o saying that I'll help ya unload.


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